
Innovation and Reinforcement for Fisheries, Marine and Maritim Sustainability to Support Industry 5.0

Guidelines structure of Abstract

  • The acceptable word range for the abstract is 175 – 275 words. The abstracts which do not meet this word limit will be asked for revisions.
  • Please download the abstract template and follow the format carefully.
  • Your submission should be submitted in English.
  • We encourage you to send an informative abstract (complete abstract) which is a compendious summary of a paper’s substance including its background, purpose, methodology, results, and conclusion
  • Please send in a brief biography together with the Abstract.

Steps to follow for your abstract submission

 Once you prepared your abstract according to the above guidelines,

  • Submit your abstract to submission link
  • After submission, you will be acknowledged of the receipt of the abstract via an email within three working days.

 Deadline for the Abstract and Full paper submission

  • Please submit your abstract before November 1st and full paper before November 5th

The reviewing process of Abstract

  • Your abstract will undergo a double blind peer review by the committee within two to three weeks after its receipt.
  • Results of the abstract review will be sent to the author within two weeks of submission
  • The Conference Chair serves as the head of the scientific committee and will the final decision on abstracts.
  • Acceptance or rejections of the paper will be sent to you with reviewer comments.
  • If revision is required, the revised abstract must be sent back within a week

Reviewing Process of Manuscript

Conference proceedings

  • All manuscripts will be subjected to double blind peer-reviewing and are expected to meet the scientific criteria of novelty and academic excellence.
  • The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that the article’s publication has been approved by all other co-authors and takes responsibility for the paper during submission and peer review.
  • Review comments will be communicated to you and you may require to do necessary revisions and send revised paper on or before prescribed day
  • The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation.


  • All papers will go through double blind peer-review process and are expected to meet criteria outline by the journal
  • You may asked to revise the paper and submit back on or before the stated deadline
  • Acceptance or non-acceptance of the paper is solely in the hands of editorial board

Guidelines for the presentation slides

  • Consider the sequence and relevancy of slides. The current slide should build a path to next slide
  • Use graphs and charts to illustrate your prominent points. Those will help the audience to clearly understand the content.
  • Make it simple. Too much fancy graphs and charts with huge data and numbers will mess the mind of the audience. Don’t use more flash, gif images, and fancy colors. Otherwise, audience will only remember those effects not your message. Make it simple!
  • Use the 6-6-6 rule: (maximum 6 words per bullet, maximum 6 bullets per slide, and maximum 6 text slides in a row). The fewest words and effective imagery will have the most powerful effect.
  • Use high-contrast, easy-to-read fonts that are common to most computers. Do not use ALL CAPS, italics, and other enhancements that clutter and are distracting. A good guideline is a minimum of 30-point text.

Presenting Effectively

Please follow the below guidelines do your presentation very effectively and these tips will help you to keep the audience interested throughout your presentation.

  • Form a story. Try to tell a story rather than giving too much of information. Organize your thoughts, develop a good transition between slides and give more information
  • Use visual aids. Visual aids Such as slides attract and hold an audience’s attention and help to reinforce what you say as well as helping you keep on track with your presentation. You need to keep these visuals – and your remarks – simple and easy to read and understand.
  • Kick off the start. Start the presentation with some eye-opening facts from your findings. One good way to get their attention is to start with a question.
  • Make the case relevant to the audience. Try to prove your points and findings to the audience. More your presentation relevant to the audience more they will be interested.
  • Reduce your introduction. The session chair will introduce you and save time for important facts.
  • Never read from your slides. Your audience will be reading your slides. Support that with more clarifications.
  • Practice speaking. Practice much as possible. Consider about time. You will only have 15 – 20 min. use it wisely. Use it fully. The more you practice, the more you will be comfortable.
  • Avoid jargon.  Using more specific word may reduce the interesting for the audience. Especially when speaking regarding your institutes/company processes.
Best Presentation Award

Offered for outstanding presentation considering every presenter of the conference, which is the most inspiring, effective and professional and are delivered through an impactful, authoritative and engaging speaker.

Based on the marks given by the evaluation committee for every presentation and Conference Chair’s own reading of the papers, Conference Chair decides which presentation will receive the Best Presentation Award.

Best Student Presentation Award

In order to identify outstanding work by student participants, the Best Student Presentation award will be given for an excellent presentation of the conference, and award winner must be registered as a student and also must be a student.

The award is offered based upon an absolute standard of excellence and all student presenters will be considered eligible for the award.

Based on the marks given by the evaluation committee for an every presentation of student presenters of the conference, and Conference Chair’s own reading of the papers, Conference Chair decides which presentation will receive the Best Student Presentation Award.