The “Industrial Revolution 5.0”; will focus on personalization, especially, consumer experience which is the main focus to be achieved. Era 5.0 can be achieved by every individual who has 4 competencies (competency of technical/ hard skills, critical, personal and social). On the other hand, the priorities of the Indonesian government through the Ministry of National Development Planning/ Bappenas for the 4th Medium Term Development Plan (2020 – 2025) on the development of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries determine two priority scales. The first is an increasingly advanced and robust economic structure characterized by competitive economic competitiveness and growing integration between industry, agriculture, marine and natural resources, and the service sector. The second is the business development and investment of Indonesian companies abroad, including in the EEZ and the high seas to improve the national economy. Thus, every individual in “Era 5.0”; will be integrated with central and regional government policies which will then have an impact on industrial policy.
Strengthen the fisheries, marine and maritime sectors and to accommodate the new innovations and reinforcement to meet the Revolution Industry 5.0, the Fisheries and Marine Faculty of Jenderal Soedirman University committed to supporting to achieve it by organizing the international conference “The 5th Kripik-Scifimas” 2023. The conference has a special theme, “The Innovation and Reinforcement for Fisheries, Marine and Maritim Sustainability to Support Industry 5.0”. The conference will be held virtually via Zoom and YouTube live streaming on 20th -21st September 2023. The four specific sub-themes to accommodate all fields related to fisheries, marine and maritime sectors, i.e., fisheries and, aquaculture, fish handling and fish processing, aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem, marine science technology and engineering, aquatic pollutant, the social economy of Aquatic resources and maritime sectors. The Current conference will invite Keynote Speaker (Indonesia Government), Guest Speaker (from stakes holders) and Expert speakers from several countries (Germany, New Zealand, Malaysia, Columbia and China). We warmly welcome outstanding students, researchers, lecturers, business owners, technicians, and government internationally to join and attend this conference. Future collaboration among all professions related to fisheries, marine and maritime sectors consisting of academics, government, and private sectors are expected to achieve the sustainability of fisheries and marine productions, and maritime.
Selected papers will be recommended to one of the relevant journals